Information you should know about troubled teens
Troubled Teen 101 is presented for parents in need of teen help. We offer information on teen issues, problems, and behavior disorders.
We give recommendations on programs for troubled teens, boarding schools, and other teen boot camp alternatives for teen help. We also provide details on various types of programs for teens including military schools, boot camps, and wilderness programs. Our troubled teen help reps will not recommend these short term options. We believe in promoting home based solutions and then long term options.
Parenting Troubled Teens |
Troubled teen behaviors do not always start at home but they effect the home. In this article we will review how to start at home to resolve some of these teen issues by analyzing teen behavior and give you tips to use on troubled teen behavior, and parenting troubled teens.
Parenting Troubled Teens
Is it Normal to Miss a Period? |
There are often teen girls and adult women who wonder, is it normal to miss a period? After one missed period, a woman might assume she is pregnant, however this is not always the case. While it is normal to miss your period while pregnant, there are other reasons for a missed period.
Is it Normal to Miss a Period?
Warning Signs of Abuse |
Abuse can be inflicted in many ways, in many places, and by a range of people who have power over their victim for a variety of reasons. This can make abuse difficult to identify, but this article tells some warning signs of abuse you can be aware of.
Warning Signs of Abuse
Juvenile and Teen Boot Camps? |
Have questions about juvenile and teen boot camps? This article will review how state-run teen boot camps, juvenile boot camps, and youth boot camps work. Including a comparison of alternative youth programs vs. boot camps, that are available to parents of troubled teens.
Juvenile and Teen Boot Camps?
Youth Violence |
Youth violence is becoming more prevalent. What do statistics say about youth violence? What factors increase the risk of teen violence? What can parents do to protect children from violence? This article will review these questions about youth violence.
Youth Violence
Teen Drug Use / Abuse |
What do statistics show about teen drug use/abuse? What drugs do teens commonly use/abuse? What can you do if your teen is using or abusing drugs? This article will review statistics, useage, and offer some suggestions for help with teen drug use/abuse.
Teen Drug Use / Abuse
Sites to Visit |
This article will refer you to more sites to visit about teen issues, including drug rehab, teen suicide, childhood ression, heroin, prescription drug, and cocaine abuse, foster care adoption, teen depression, boarding schools, treatment centers, and parent teen contracts.
Sites to Visit
Teen Self Image |
Teen self image can be very positive or very negative and usually has the equal consequence. In this article we will review how negative self image can lead to damaging behaviors and how to develop a positive self image, including statistics results.
Teen Self Image
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