Information you should know about troubled teens
Troubled Teen 101 is presented for parents in need of teen help. We offer information on teen issues, problems, and behavior disorders.
We give recommendations on programs for troubled teens, boarding schools, and other teen boot camp alternatives for teen help. We also provide details on various types of programs for teens including military schools, boot camps, and wilderness programs. Our troubled teen help reps will not recommend these short term options. We believe in promoting home based solutions and then long term options.
When to Seek Teen Help |
What are some of the signs that you may have a troubled teen who needs help? How does troubled teen behavior compare to normal teen behavior? How do you know when to seek teen help? This article will help you know when to seek teen help.
When to Seek Teen Help
Typical Teen Behavior |
Is your teens behavior typical of teen behavior? Certain behaviors are considered normal or typical for a teenager. In this article we will review some typical teen behaviors as defined by the AACAPand discuss how they compare to non-typical behaviors.
Typical Teen Behavior
Signs of an Eating Disorder |
What are the warning signs of an eating disorder? Changes in eating can signal a variety of conditions, from a simple cold or flu to depression to an eating disorder. Keep reading to learn about changes in eating habits and other signs of an eating disorder.
Signs of an Eating Disorder
Components of Effective Youth Programs |
There are many types of youth programs available. Some youth programs are effecitve while others are not, but what components make up an effective youth program? This article will review 5 main components to look for in effective youth programs.
Components of Effective Youth Programs
Abusive Teen Relationships and Teen Dating Violence |
Abusive teen relationships and teen dating violence is becoming more prevalent and more accepted than ever. In this article we will review statistics on teen dating violence, warning signs of abusive teen relationships, and how to support a teen victim of abuse.
Abusive Teen Relationships and Teen Dating Violence
Teen Heroin Use |
Although heroin use by teens is much less than their misuse of prescription drugs and alcohol use, it is still important to be aware of. This article discusses statistics on teen heroin use, as well as effects, warning signs, and treatment for teen heroin use.
Teen Heroin Use
Sites to Visit |
This article will refer you to more sites to visit about teen issues, including drug rehab, teen suicide, childhood ression, heroin, prescription drug, and cocaine abuse, foster care adoption, teen depression, boarding schools, treatment centers, and parent teen contracts.
Sites to Visit
Teen Anxiety |
Anxiety is common in teenagers. Of all the mental disorders, teen anxiety disorders are the most common. In this article we will review statistics on teen anxiety, signs and symptoms of teen anxiety, what you can do to prevent teen anxiety, and treatment for teen anxiety.
Teen Anxiety
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